Wenke bodycount0

web dev @ haruki

Haruki is named after Wenke's dog! She's great to have on your team. author @ home page.
Victor bodycount 0

web dev @ haruki

Victor is the silent hard working type and is not afraid to work a double shift
Shiva bodycount 0

web dev @ haruki

Shiva pays attention to details. She's a great person to have on your team.
Dimi bodycount 0

web dev @ haruki

Dimi will get the job done on time, on budget and on scope. Dimi is also the creator of this team page

Private Therapists

The Haruki company has developed over a number of years and consist of a team, providing an extended range of private services to patients.

For more than 10 years, therapists have practised osteopathy, cupping, acupuncture, hypnotism both western and traditional, Whilst some of these have been available as Haruki group specialised treatments, many have flourished as private therapists. Haruki group practice has become well known as a centre for high quality holistic and complementary therapy services.

The therapy we use is a total therapy to treat the body, so we can identify the cause of your complaints and to treat them as efficiently as possible. The result is a balanced lifestyle with an emphasis on healthy nutrition and exercise that drastically improves your physical and mental resistance.